Durban 3rd Multiplier Event

The third UCCRN_edu Multiplier Event in collaboration with the Associated Partner EThekwini Municipality (Durban), UCCRN African Hub and GroundTruth on 23rd January 2023

The third UCCRN_edu Multiplier Event will take place in Durban in collaboration with the Associated Partner EThekwini Municipality (Durban), UCCRN African Hub and GroundTruth. It will be the opportunity to test in an Urban Design Climate Workshop (UDCW) the replication potential of UCCRN_edu tools and practices in Africa. In this workshop UCCRN_edu will dialogue with the initiatives and results of the Transformative River Management Programme (TRMP) supported by Cities and Climate In Africa (CICLIA), aimed at rethinking riverine areas in the city as a core component of transformative adaptation that will help to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

The event aims to address flooding, water quality, heat and solid waste experienced within eThekwini and provides cost-efficient and practical approaches to addressing these key issues. CICLIA TRMP project was undertaken in four catchments within eThekwini, namely: Ohlanga, uMhlangane, Palmiet, and uMhlatuzana. The close out workshop for the CICLIA TRMP Support Project, which will provide a summary on what was done during the project, highlights the key findings, and looks forward to what can and should be done to address climate change challenges experienced within eThekwini.

The Urban Design Climate Workshop (UDCW) session will be facilitated by Urban Climate Change Network’s (UCCRN) experts and will provide guidance on how urban settlements can be prepared for the impacts of climate change through planning and design solutions integrating low-carbon and climate resilient concepts for new developments, urban retrofitting and landscape management to reduce heat impacts and flood risk while delivering social, economic and environmental co-benefits to local stakeholders and communities. A collaborative session will be carried out to pinpoint steps, actions, policies and stakeholder to engaged to reach desirable scenarios. Recommendations from the UCCRN isiPingo Urban Design Climate Workshop (2019) will be revisited to illustrate how a climate-resilient approach to urban design can support the ongoing CICLIA TRMP Project.

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