UCCRN_edu Blended Master Degree Courses aim at mainstreaming Climate-Resilient Urban Planning, Design and Governance knowledge transversally in international curricula at different levels.

Three courses – level 6 to 8 – are established in Napoli, Aalborg and Barcelona, and open to all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Partners. The priority is to encourage the blended mobility of learners, allowing a number of students to join one or more of the courses along the educational path, getting the recognition of credits related to the type of activities carried out during the physical mobility period.

The physical mobility period and the corresponding credits can be complemented with the virtual mobility facilitated by accessing the online resources available through UCCRN_edu collaborative e-learning platform. The credit recognition scheme will follow the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
The mobility program for students is designed so that 2 students from each HEI partner will have access to 5 days of physical mobility. The students will participate in one week of activities at the host institution. This will correspond to participation in seminars and classroom activities and producing a deliverable at the end of the mobility period. The deliverable is used to grant the recognition of corresponding credits by the sending institution. Physical mobility of teachers will be also fostered, also involving experts from Associated Partners for invited seminars.

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