The transnational dimension in tackling the challenge of climate action in European cities is essential for the education of the next generation of professionals in the field of climate-resilient urban planning design and governance, who are called to contribute to the implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies for 2030 and 2050.
UCCRN edu Project involves nine Higher Education Institutions representing the diversity of the European context both concerning expected impacts from extreme events and seasonal trends variations in Mediterranean, Continental and Northern EU, both in terms of national to local policies and governance structures, legislative processes, implementation capacity and effectiveness of action.

- Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Italy [Coordinator]
- Université Gustave Eiffel France
- Sorbonne Université France
- Aalborg Universitet Denmark
- University College Dublin Ireland
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Spain
- Université de Mons Belgium
- Università di Pisa Italy
- IHE Delft Institute for Water Education Netherlands
Associated Partners
The UCCRN_edu Associated Partners include leading international research and education institutions and networks, which will actively contribute to the dissemination and outreach of activities, supporting the involvement of staff and students from UCCRN_edu in organized events. The participation of Associated Partners from extra-EU countries, of international research and dissemination networks will expand the value of UCCRN_edu for involved learners and staff, who will have the opportunity of confronting with the climate challenge in a global perspective, as an essential action to promote future-looking education in this multidisciplinary domain with the highest societal, environmental and economic implications.
The Associated Partners will host and/or participate to the majority of UCCRN_edu Multiplier Events, which have been planned also in relation to their expressed interests and opportunities arising from the connection with already planned events. This will support the dissemination of all Project Results and maximise their impact also outside of UCCRN_edu consortium.
The Associated Partners will represent a primary reference for UCCRN_edu students, who can be involved in follow-up traineeships, thesis preparation and PhD research opportunities promoted by single institutions or networks. Some examples are the Erasmus mobility programs already active at the institutions linked to UCCRN in Europe and internationally; the ICLEI Academy; the INGSA Urban Science Advice group with Cité-ID, the annual Climate Chance Summit.
Higher Education Institutions affiliated to UCCRN_edu:
- COLUMBIA – Columbia University (USA)
- DRX – Drexler University (USA)
- PUC-RIO – Pontifícia Universidad Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- AHMED – Ahmedabad University (India), and UCCRN South Asian European Hub
- SCU – Southern Cross University (Australia), and UCCRN Australian Hub
- NYIT – New York Institute of Technology
Local Authorities affiliated to UCCRN_edu:
- Ethekwini Municipality (South Africa), and UCCRN African Hub
SME affiliated to UCCRN_edu:
International Networks affiliated to UCCRN_edu:
- UCCRN European Hub
- UCCRN Latin American Hub
- URNet
- Climate Chance
- Cité-ID – Gouvernance de la résilience urbaine
- ACAN – Architects Climate Action Network