Summer School GCRC 2023
This Course is the result of a partnership of University of Pisa, Un Habitat, University of Paris “Sorbonne”, University of Naples “Federico II” and Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN). It tackles the complex issue of governing climate resilient cities, assessing in a comparative fashion best practices and solutions. The Course targets primarily policy makers, public servants and practictioners, presenting theoretical and academic contents with a hands-on and practical approach. The Director of the School is Prof. Alfredo Fioritto
The Course aims to provide partecipants with analytical tools to better understand and address the governance challenges climate change produces on the urban and metropolitan dimensions. It specifically concentrates on how to best govern climate resilient cities.
Target Group
The Course targets executives, policy makers, public servants, city managers, urban planners, emergency experts and other international staff, developmente workers. It will also benefit researchers and academics in the field who are interested in deepening the governance related aspects of climate change impacts on city management.
- ADDABBO Nicola – University of Naples Federico II
- AUBY Jean-Bernard – Sciences Po, Paris
- BRANEON Christian V. – NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, UCCRN
- BARRA Marc – Agence régionale de la biodiversité, Paris
- BRIGANTE Vinicio – University of Naples Federico II
- CHEVALIER Emilie – University of Limoges
- DELLA CANANEA Giacinto – Bocconi University, Milan
- DOMBROV Maria – Columbia University, New York
- FARÌ Andrea – Università di Roma Tre
- FIORITTO Alfredo – University of Pisa
- GAMBINI Roberto – Enel Green Power
- CLEMENTE Maria Clemente – University of Naples Federico II
- GIUPPONI Carlo – University of Venice, Cà Foscari
- JOUSSAUME Sylvie – Climatologist at CNRS, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Guyancourt
- LECUIR Gilles – Institut Paris Région, Paris
- LEONE Mattia – University of Naples Federico II
- LOIC Segalen – Sorbonne Université, Paris
- LUNARDELLI Marco – Bocconi University, Milan
- MANZETTI Vanessa – University of Pisa
- MILLS Gerald – University College, Dublin
- NOCERINO Giovanni – University of Naples Federico II
- PACTEAU Chantal – Uccrn, CNRS Paris
- PERNEY Marion – University of Naples Federico II
- RAVEN Jeffrey – New York Institute of Technology
- TEDESCO Sara – University of Naples Federico II
- TERSIGNI Enza – University of Naples Federico II
- VALENTIN Christian – Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Bondy
- VERDE Sara – University of Naples Federico II
- VISCONTI Cristina – University of Naples Federico II
- WAUTERS Kris – Université catholique de Louvain