Climate Resilient Design, Planning and Governance of Cities
- Curriculum
3Climate and Climate Change
An introduction to the course, highlighting the main topics that will be covered throughout the following chapters.
4Carbon Emissions Scenarios
This lesson introduces the 4 Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and takes a look at the various environmental and social implications of each.
5Climates of Cities - intro
Brief description of lesson
6Climates of Cities 1
A series of lesson introducing urban climate science and its application.
7Climates of Cities 2
A series of lesson introducing urban climate science and its application.
8Climates of Cities 3
A series of lesson introducing urban climate science and its application.
9Climate of Cities 4
A series of lesson introducing urban climate science and its application.
10The urban heat island (UHI)
Lesson not available at the moment. Contact for further informations.
11Welcome to the Anthropocene
And it all starts with the rising scientific evidence that humanity has entered a completely new era, what will talk much more about, that science now defines as the Anthropocene, an era where humanity is shaping the entire biosphere. We've entered the globalized phase of environmental change.
12The Urban Opportunity 1
Most of us believe that cities are a development challenge! They pollute and destroy nature, most are filled with dirt, filth, diseases and violence. They are too complex to plan and difficult to manage. But, what does the evidence suggest? Watch the following videos by Aromar Revi, Director of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements to know more!
13The Urban Opportunity 2
Most of us believe that cities are a development challenge! They pollute and destroy nature, most are filled with dirt, filth, diseases and violence. They are too complex to plan and difficult to manage. But, what does the evidence suggest? Watch the following videos by Aromar Revi, Director of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements to know more!Â
14Transition Theory for Sustainable Cities
brief description
15Systemic change
brief description
20Technical systems and urban services
brief description
21Urban Resilience & Critical Infrastructures
Lesson not available at the moment. Contact for further informations.
22Energy Part 1 - Infrastructure Resilience:definitions, focus on power grid
Energy Infrastructure Resilience: contribution of alternative technical systems - Part 1 - definitions, focus on power grid
23Energy Part 2 - Infrastructure Resilience - power grid resilience through alternative systems
Energy Infrastructure Resilience: contribution of alternative technical systems - Part 2 - power grid resilience through alternative systems
24Resilience and urban risk management : Flooding case study
Lesson not available at the moment. Contact for further informations.
25Water on earth
Water on earth
26Air, Water, Food and Natural Resources
Cities shape and are shaped by their natural environment. In this video, Aromar Revi, Director, Indian Institute for Human Settlements talks about the interaction between natural resources and cities.
27Major soil and water issues in costal cities
Major soil and water issues in costal cities
28Introduction to fire ecology
This course is a very short introduction to fire ecology.
29Spatial Justice: Right to the City
Almost a century after the Frankfurt School sought solutions to the injustices and suffering they witnessed, the need for a transition to a just society in which all people can live a good and fulfilling life is now high on the international agenda.
30Spatial Justice: Cornerston of Urban Sustainability
The lecture introduces spatial justice emphasizing the political and negotiated nature of urban planning. Spatial justice links social justice with urban space, focusing on two key aspects: distributive justice (fair allocation of resources and burdens) and procedural justice (inclusivity in planning processes). It connects with democratic values, the right to the city, and active citizenship.
31Inclusive climate action approaches to accelerating a just transition
Inclusive climate action approaches to accelerating a just transition
32We Live Here Together: how to jointly tackle climate change and inequality
We Live Here Together: how to jointly tackle climate change and inequality
33UCCRN_edu Framework for Sustainable and Resilient Cities
A lesson about a framework for sustainable and resilient cities.
34Climate Resilient planning and urban design
Lesson not available at the moment. Contact for further informations.
35Green and Blue infrastructures (planning/design focus)
A focus on one of the key urban climate factors when panning e designing: green and blue infracture of the city.
36Building envelope and surface materials
In this lecture we will discuss the technological and environmental qualities of the building envelope and surface materials for buildings and open spaces.
37Napoli-Durban UDCW case studies
Outcomes of the Urban Design Climate Workshop initiative, developed by UCCRN following the release of the Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities, as a tool to bring science into practice and to implement the five pathways for urban transformation in cities: Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation, integrating DRR and CCA, Co-generate Risk Information, identify and address the needs of Disadvantaged Populations, establish and advance knowledge networks.
381 Spatialize energy: projects for energy transition in cities
Nowadays, the urban development of Charleroi has grown to such an extent that it raises the most diverse questions.
392 Spatialize energy: projects for energy transition in cities
Nowadays, the urban development of Charleroi has grown to such an extent that it raises the most diverse questions.
40Water Sensitive Cities
41GIS design tools for urban-scale climate analysis
GIS design tools for urban-scale climate analysis
42Introduction to simulation tools / focus on: 3D modelling tools for neighbourhood scale climate and anargy analysis
Introduction to simulation tools
43Rhino modelling for energy and environmental simulations
3d Modelling tutorial for simulation
44Urban Adaptation Tool
The Urban Adaptation Tools website is an innovative and interactive platform designed to address the critical challenges of urban adaptation and resilience in the context of climate change.
45Heat Waves simulation (SOLWEIG)
This tutorial introduces the SOLWEIG model
46Heat Waves simulation (PLINIVS HWlem)
The HWLEM tool is utilized in Urban Design Climate Workshops (UDCWs) during the collaborative mapping phase to simulate perceived thermal stress in urban areas.
47Freedom and flexibility to model Real world Complexity
Ups and downs of parametric environmental modelling in the design process
48Ladybug Tools tutorials
Ladybug Tools tutorials
49Beginner guide to QGIS
Beginner guide to QGIS
50QGIS Trainings tutorial YouTube channel
QGIS Trainings tutorial YouTube channel
51Data collection (NDVI calculation)
Data collection (NDVI calculation)
52Stream and catchment delineation with GIS (theory)
This video show how to derive streams and catchments from a DEM using geographic information systems (GIS).